"Hey Bay" and "Breaking Hearts" live in Phoenix
Rolling into Phoenix in Rudy Cortez (the name of our rented Suburban…it’s a long story): first stop, drop off the gear at Rebel Lounge. Next, tacos at a ‘bertos of some sort. Family and friends show up early. Band is in a daze from overnight travel and 3-4 paltry hours of snooze at an Econolodge by Palm Springs.
Hugs. A whiskey or two. Maybe a local IPA. More hugs and admiring other bands’ gear. No, not like that.
Then we do what we came to do. Blast the place with all we got. Alvie crowd surfs.
After…friends have invited us to crash at an AirBNB. Turns out to be a mansion. Whiskey. Singing around the fire. Only one person falls in the pool. Cops are called by nosy neighbors, they’re annoyed they got called and tell this group of well-behaved 30-somethings to carry on.
Wake up, snap some pictures. Tacos. Drive to LA for the next one.