Plastic Surgery Official Release
"The band proves once again on its newest release (Plastic Surgery) that rock and roll is not dead; it's getting a turbo boost from a band that is rocking harder and better than ever." -Indie Rock Cafe, 5 Indie Rock Bands to Watch in 2018
"Rock n roll is mean, unsafe and unpredictable, but that's what makes it so great. Alvie and the Breakfast Pigs embrace this beast. So for those who like being wrapped in your warm cozy blankets, there's a never-ending cesspool of EDM DJ's and Three Mile Pilots out there to tickle your stodgy souls . But for the rest of us that still like sweat, grit and fire in our music: Alvie and the Breakfast Pigs are here and ready to kick over some troughs." -Audio Ammunition
We're excited to announce the release of our newest EP, Plastic Surgery.
Plastic Surgery combines the band’s unique style and sound they coined "trash blues" with a newfound urgency. The title is an ironic play on the album art, featuring a vibrant and colorful plastic-filled pelican.
Sick Of it All
Sometimes you're just, well, sick of it all. It's the feeling of losing faith in people's ability and willingness to do good. The rage and chaos this can lead to is exhibited instrumentally in the bridge.
Cool To Be Lame
This song is a first-person sarcastic critique of the apathy we've observed in watching the youth, and saw in some of the people we grew up with. It suggests that some of the things we do to be "cool" are actually antithetical to that aim.
200 Deer, 1 Rabbit
This one is based on a true story. The band was driving through Texas, trying to get to a gig at SXSW. Along the way, they encountered approximately 200 deer but managed to avoid a collision. The one rabbit was not so lucky.
Layered in with the roadkill aversion techniques and taco-seeking is the nostalgia experienced from driving in the desert, the band's original home climate. This nostalgia gets interrupted by mammalian road hazards.
Litter Bug
After moving to San Francisco and seeing such a beautiful city covered in trash, and nobody ever caring to pick it up, it actually started bothering my mood negatively. I wrote Litter Bug to try to creating more awareness to the problem with littering and ocean plastic. My hope is that if you see a rock n roll band saying it's cool to pick up trash, maybe we can show the next generation that its good to help the environment and clean up the place you love and live.
Thanks for listening and sharing!